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Saturday, March 23, 2019

Vacation's Over...

In case you're wondering why I've been on silent for 3 months, is because I went into hiatus mode again and there's a good reason why I wasn't active and here's why.

I tried to getaway from online as much as possible these past three months because I'm pretty much burned out, too lazy or no inspiration to write something, and too lazy to sit in front of my computer. But I still browse my Facebook (on my smartphone) every now and then to check updates in the community. Another reason is my friend asked me to do something for him which I assisted him in walking / processing some docs for personal and legal reasons which its also a good excuse to go out of town once in a while, but on an official trip.

Can you imagine, I was able to travel to Bulacan, Tagaytay, and even went to Bataan just last Thursday, just to process documents. Man, this is what I needed, and just what the doctor ordered, some fresh air. Though I'm still not finished doing the official stuff for my friend, I finally cleared my mind, set my objective this year and ready to get back to work. As a matter of fact, I'm writing this post in my friend's PC as I've been here for almost a week staying at his place while doing some papers at the same time preparing for the upcoming National Swap Meet event next week.

Yes, vacation's over. I'm finally back!

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